Thursday, January 27, 2011

1999 we feared the Y2k bug, and soon comes Y2038

The 1999 Y2k problem had everybody scared, we all didn't know what to expect from it all. The whole world went into a state of panic. I myself was so excited i was hoping that atleast some tiny drama occured from it all, but as the clock reached midnight those many years ago.... nothing happened, zilch, zero. The world was fine and the problem was fixed.

But for all those others like me that were dissapointed with all the nothing that happened we have another chance. In the year 2038 there is a similar problem that is likely to occur. Im not to sure on the details as the year 2038 is still so far away. But what i do propose is that on the 31st of jan 2037 we shall party like its 1999 and hopefully the new year will bring us what we wished we had in 2000.

This is just a freindly warning in advance everybody be ready for Y2038 or it might turn out to be as bad as that last y2k bug.. lolz

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