Thursday, February 3, 2011

Spice Girls Exhibition

Our favourite 90's Girl group currently have a collection at the Museum of Leeds and it features 4000 items of memorabilia.
"The exhibition is interactive, with 'Spice facts' telling little-known tit bits of information regarding the lesser-known aspects of the group's life"

This is wicked cool i wish that i could go.

The free Spiceworld Exhibition will be running at Leeds Museum until the 3rd of July.

Beavis and Butt-head remake??

It has been reported that MTV is going to make a remake of the old 90's classic Beavis and Butt-head.
The show originally ran from 1993-1997 but I'm not really sure this is a good idea, just look at all the other remakes of 90's shows, they haven't done very well.
That's what happens when you ruin a good thing, I'd rather just watch re-runs. There was something special about the shows in the good old day that shouldn't be changed.

Less known Boyband Youngstown

This song is from yet another boy band from the 90's.
 I didn't even know of them until a few years ago.
Thanks to YouTube i can continue to find less known boybands which keeps my love for them a little more interesting or I'd probably get bored of them....

Friday, January 28, 2011

any child from the 90's must rembember this great icon

This guy that we all loved so much was so damn difficult to find sometimes. Oh they were some good times we shared lol. I found a link to an awesome waldo puzzle can you find him? visit the link and let me know

Its only time before we get a Tv series dedicated to the 90's

The 60's has Mad Men.
The 70's had That 70's show.
The 80's now has a new show Glory Daze.
All those amazing decades have shows dedicated to them, and the shows are pretty darn good to.
I love them all but what I'm really looking forward to is when they make a show dedicated to the 90's. This might be a long time away just yet as for most the 90's were not that long ago but its only time until this does occur.

Jonathan Taylor Thomas biggest mystery of all time???


Ok so i might have exggerated a little bit but this is still a pretty big mystery.
What ever happened to this 90's hottie??? He just sorta dissapeared from the movie screens and left us with a big aching whole in our hearts.

I do know that Jonathan Taylor Thomas wasn't his real name it was only a stage name. He was last known to have been attending colombia university but that was in 2008 and there hasn't been a piece if news about him scince. His real name did however get leaked through some university roll but he has scince dealt with it and is going under a different name. All we can hope for is that one day he might decide to crawl out of that cave hes been hiding in and go back to acting but until then i hope he's enjoying living out of the spotlight as he might have missed out on alot of that growing up in front of the whole world.

My theory is that JTT has put on the pounds and is proberbly hiding under some facial hair. haha well thats not true but he would still be hot even then.

JTT i shall love you forever <333 till we meet i'll just continue watching i'll be home for christmas each holiday season.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Aj Mclean in rehab, will it affect our fave 90's boyband ???

Aj from the backstreet boys/NKOTBSB has recently returned to rehab for the third time for drug and alcahol abuse.But will it affect the highly anticipated summer tour? My automatic response was panic for the upcoming tour, the band nkotbsb has been making an even bigger comeback by combing our two favourite 90's boybands into one. 

The band claims Aj will be ready for thier first show june 2nd from the NKOTBSB summer tour 2011

Its really upsetting but I along with all his adoring fans wish Aj all the best to get better because he isn't just a great music artist he's good to his fans as well.

Im Blue Da Ba Dee Da Ba Dee............................

The 90's had a lot of great music and this 1999 trank is no exception. Im Blue by Eiffel 65 was probably one of the most annoying and catchiest songs ive ever heard. This hit was so hott it was number 1 across the world. Unfortunatly this was their biggest hit and they ended up to be a one hit wonder. However the group have not completly given up music they have kept at it all these years and that itself deserves some points i reckon. Hopefully their persistance at making more music pays off for yet another hit. As of 2010 the group were planning on releasing a brand new single and this should be released march of this year, and this time i'll be ready as im hoping they might be able to squeeze out another track like I'm Blue.

I sure as heck would choose to listen to Eiffel 65 any day of the week over Crazy Frog, Oh the torture that creature brought to the world...........

1999 we feared the Y2k bug, and soon comes Y2038

The 1999 Y2k problem had everybody scared, we all didn't know what to expect from it all. The whole world went into a state of panic. I myself was so excited i was hoping that atleast some tiny drama occured from it all, but as the clock reached midnight those many years ago.... nothing happened, zilch, zero. The world was fine and the problem was fixed.

But for all those others like me that were dissapointed with all the nothing that happened we have another chance. In the year 2038 there is a similar problem that is likely to occur. Im not to sure on the details as the year 2038 is still so far away. But what i do propose is that on the 31st of jan 2037 we shall party like its 1999 and hopefully the new year will bring us what we wished we had in 2000.

This is just a freindly warning in advance everybody be ready for Y2038 or it might turn out to be as bad as that last y2k bug.. lolz

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

90's boybands making bigger comeback

We all loved New kids on the block and The backstreet boys but there was also O-town they may not have as many hits but they were just as successful as they were created by Lou Pearlman the creator of backstreet boys and nsync. O-towns self titled album including the number one hit All or nothing was a number one hit. O-town was also the very first group created on the reality show making the band where they had 3 seasons which followed thier making of the group, music and also followed them with all the success. The music and fame for them was short lived as their second album failed to follow up with their prior success and the gruop split shortly afterwards.

However not all members of the group have agreed to rejoin, Ashley Parker Angel has chosen to continue with his acting career but this on its own has just been a big fail. Now is the right time for a reunion and they rest of the group are back in the studio recording brand new music.

I am so happy they have reunited so they can make some more great boyband classics for the new decade because i will never forget the song bring me under by them, that was my fave.

 2011 seems like it will be an amazing year for boybands with New kids on the block and The Backstreet Boys joining forces forming the new group called NKOTBSB, they will be making new music and touring around all of america and so far all their shows have been selling out quickly ever since thier live ama perfomance.

I really hope that 2011 will be an even greater year for these boybands as they have been making amazing music the past few years but have not been able to get the same success as they once did. Heres hoping i will somehow get to one of their shows. <3